The Blue
The Blue Tribune is your place to learn about all things Covenant and keep up with stories from campus and beyond. By guiding you through the different aspects of Covenant, we'll help you decide if you want to pursue your very own Covenant experience.
Featured Posts
Finding Unity in Community: Diversity Café
DiCaf involves both learning about and engaging with the cultural backgrounds of Covenant College students.
Dr. Brad Voyles Appointed President of Covenant College
The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to affirm the recommendation of the Presidential Search Committee and appoint Dr. Brad Voyles as the next president of Covenant College.
What Does “Pursuing Knowledge - Transformed By Faith” Mean?
Our pursuit of academics isn't just about content, it's about meaning—eternal and redemptive meaning. We go a step further than offering a biblically-based education within a Christian community by emphasizing Christ’s renewal of all things, including academic curriculum. This transforms... ...
Recent Blog Posts
No Perfect Places
Last semester, an eager previewer asked a question that caught me off guard: “What would you change about Covenant?”...
Cultivating an Interdisciplinary Approach to Skills Development
One of Covenant College's recent pursuits to foster academic excellence among its students is its certificate programs...
Faculty Feature: Professor Arwen Matos-Wood
"Dr. Quatro brought me to Covenant. I was an adjunct professor at another university, looking to make a full-time transition...
Sport Management Students Experience Daytona 500
Michaela Kourmoulis, assistant professor of sport management, connected three students with a hands-on learning experience...
Coffee, Conversation, and Community
“I love being with my friends on and off campus. We love to go downtown and study in coffee shops (Goodmans is my favorite).”...
Department Highlights | Engineering and English
Dual Degree Engineering Program
Remembering Our Heritage
For more than 60 years, Covenant has faithfully pursued its mission of exploring and expressing the preeminence of Jesus...
Faculty Feature: Dr. Alicia Jackson
"I enjoy teaching at a liberal arts institution with the opportunity to share my love of history with students. Covenant's...