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Faculty Feature: Dr. Hans Madueme

Faculty Feature is a series in the Blue Tribune that recognizes the excellent professors and staff of Covenant College.
This week we're highlighting Dr. Hans Madueme, Associate Professor of Theological Studies. Dr. Madueme was gracious enough to answer a few questions we asked about Covenant College.
What brought you to Covenant? How long have you been teaching?
Back in 2012 I was working as the managing director with the Henry Center for Theological Understanding at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. I wasn't actually looking for a job. It was a great gig, and I had the privilege of working with one of my favorite people in the whole--Douglas Sweeney (a church historian who is now the Dean at Beeson Divinity School). When the theology position opened up at Covenant, Jay Green sent the announcement to Doug who then sent it to me. I remember thinking: "Covenant Seminary I know, but who are you O Covenant College?" I checked out the website, and when I saw the aerial view in all its scenic beauty, I think that's when I was hooked, and the rest is history.
I've been teaching since the Fall of 2012, so just over eight years.
What do you love about teaching at Covenant?
Easy -- the students! They always keep me on my feet and push me to be a better teacher. I love those moments mid-lecture when a student asks a question which then opens up fascinating and insightful conversations. Some of the most profound experiences I've had teaching have been in my upper-level seminars when the students and I are wrestling with the most difficult questions--the pedagogical drama can be almost magical, with tears, wisdom, wit, passion, everything!
A close second are my colleagues. I cannot speak highly enough of the men and women who work here. I don't think most institutions experience the kind of collegiality and camaraderie that animates everything we do on this mountain. It is a special blessing to be part of this community.
What is your history with the PCA or Reformed Tradition?
That's a long story, so let me give you a snapshot. I came to faith when I was 19 and soon found my home in a Reformed Baptist position. Throughout medical school I was attending a Baptist church. But I found myself learning the most from Reformed theologians, especially those in the Reformed Presbyterian tradition. During my residency at the Mayo Clinic, I was even attending a PCA church in Rochester, Minnesota -- I had become one of those Reformed Baptists who loved the Reformed tradition but just couldn't get over the baptism issue. It took some years before I got over that hump and joined the PCA. For all its imperfections and ongoing struggles, I will always love this denomination.
I'm a ruling elder at St. Elmo Presbyterian Church at the bottom of the mountain. We are in a period of transition after our beloved pastor Cal Boroughs retired after serving for 30 years!
What's your favorite Covenant tradition?
So much to choose from, but I think it would have to be Convocation at the start of the academic year. I don't think there is anything quite like being in the chapel, surrounded by the whole campus community, hearing the bagpipes going, and the roar of students bringing a new academic year. That is one thrill I will never outgrow!
What is a current research project or area of interest you're excited about?
Let me mention three things: I'm currently working on a big book on the doctrine of sin and recent challenges from the sciences. I also had some fun a few months back thinking deeply about the doctrine of original guilt (or the imputation of Adam's sin). Not many people are defending that doctrine these days and I think that's a shame. I try to rectify that in a couple of essays coming out soon. And then, finally, I've had by far the most fun collaborating with the great Dr. Robert Erle Barham on an essay defending Christian fiction. It should be coming out in the journal Themelios later this year. We're hoping to spark an interesting conversation among believers who love reading and writing stories.
What's one of your favorite cultural or family traditions?
Playing endless board games with my son Caleb and having to put up with his sister Zoe cheering for him whether he wins or loses. Hmmm, maybe that's not *my* favorite tradition, but my kids sure love it!
Anything else prospective students should know about you?
I love reading good fiction of all kinds. I think a taste of heaven is a comfortable couch, a cup of hot chocolate, and a scintillating novel. I secretly wish I had Professor Gwen Macallister's job -- she gets to talk with students about fiction all day long!
Tell us a little about your family:
I met my wife Shelley when we were both graduate students at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. We live in Flintstone, Georgia, with our two kids Caleb and Zoe. Yabba dabba doo!