The philosophy program at Covenant College studies the most influential philosophers and philosophical movements and tests them against the truth of God's Word. We read the works of both Christian and non-Christian philosophers, knowing that all truth is God's truth.
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Program Overview
Our students learn to read difficult texts, write insightful analyses, and encourage each other to grow both academically and spiritually. The philosophy major takes students from the fundamentals of philosophical inquiry, through the history of major philosophical movements and thinkers, to advanced work on theories of knowledge, ethics, and metaphysics.
Distinctively Christian philosophy seeks to study the ideas and concepts that compose a given worldview from the standpoint of biblical presuppositions. The end of such activity is to assist students in developing a Christian worldview that enables them better to live in a way that pleases God and that consequently provides for a more meaningful life. Philosophy majors complete a capstone project in their senior year that applies all they have learned to a problem or concern facing the Church or the broken world that the Church is called to love.

Graduate Outcomes
Philosophy alums excel in both the business world and non-profit ministries. Law, theology, philosophy, and business are commonly studied by our philosophy alums who pursue further schooling. Additionally, our students often obtain internship opportunities that serve to connect philosophy majors with employers, refining their analytic and communication skills to meet future employers' needs.
Employment positions acquired by philosophy alumni:
- Speech Language Pathologist, University of Virginia Medical Center
- Financial Advisor, Marotta Wealth Management, Inc.
- Marketing & Communications Manager, CO.Starters
- Biology and Philosophy Teacher, Providence Classical Christian School
- Associate Professor of Philosophy, Tarrant County College
- Research Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
- Lead GIS developer, VSolvIT
- Humanities Teacher, Oaks Academy
- Research Assistant, Elevate Africa
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, UVA
- Professor of Philosophy, Erskine College
- Instructor of Philosophy, Walters State Community College
Graduate schools attended by alumni:
- Duquesne University
- University of Virginia
- University of Rochester
- Covenant Theological Seminary
- Case Western Reserve University School of Law
- College of William & Mary
- University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Recent student internship opportunities:
- Maclellan Foundation
- Harrison Center for the Arts
- United States District Court
- Fayette County District Attorney’s Office
Professor of Philosophy
Programs & Features
The philosophy major teaches students what philosophy is and how it has an inescapable relevance to their lives while increasing their skill in the logical analysis of ideas.
The philosophy minor provides an intellectual overview of the history of human thought that equips students to have a better understanding of other academic disciplines.
- PHI 130 Contemporary Moral Issues
- PHI 151 Non-Western Philosophy
- PHI 199 Women in Philosophy
- PHI 202 History of Philosophy II: Modern to 19th Century
- PHI 302 Metaphysics
- PHI 357 Formal Logic
- “Reader Oriented Translation”
- “Divine Command Theory & the Objection from Possible Evil”
- “A Critique of Wittgenstein’s ‘Meaning to Use’”
- “Leo Strauss & Liberal Democracy”
- “Persons, Things, and Reciprocity: The Pertinence of I and Thou”
- “Hannah Arendt: Philosopher and Jew”
Meet the Philosophy Faculty
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Graduate School of Education
Undergraduate Departments, Majors, Minors, Certificates, Concentrations, and Programs
Academic Certificates
- Arts Administration
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability
- Journalism and Society
- Medical Ethics Consultation
- Neuroscience
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- Art, 2-D Concentration
- Art, 3-D Concentration
- Art, Art History Concentration
- Art, Graphic Design Concentration
- Art, Photography Concentration
- Art minor
- Art History minor
Biblical & Theological Studies
- Biblical & Theological Studies
- Biblical & Theological Studies, Missions Concentration
- Biblical & Theological Studies minor
- Biblical Languages minor
- History of Christianity minor
- Missions minor
- Youth Ministry minor
- Biology, Biomedical Concentration
- Biology, Environmental Concentration
- Biology, General
- Biology, Health Professions Concentration
- Biology minor
- Business
- Business, Accounting Concentration
- Business, Finance Concentration
- Business, Marketing Concentration
- Sport Management
- Business minor
- Sport Management minor
- Chemistry, Biochemistry Concentration
- Chemistry, General
- Biochemistry minor
- Chemistry minor
Community Development
- Community Development
- Community Development minor
Computer Science
- Computer Science
- Computer Science minor
- Economics
- Economics minor
- Education Studies
- Elementary Education (P-5)
- Secondary Education Certifications through MAT program
- Education minor
Engineering 3:2 Program
- Natural Science, Pre-Engineering Studies Concentration
- English
- English, Writing Concentration
- English minor
- Writing minor
Health, Wellness and Coaching
- Coaching minor
History, Politics, and International Studies
- History
- History, Art History Concentration
- Political Science
- International Studies
- History minor
- Political Science minor
Interdisciplinary Studies
- Interdisciplinary Studies with Concentrations
- Mathematics
- Mathematics minor
- Music, Church Music Concentration
- Music, Creative Studies Concentration
- Music, General Music Concentration
- Music, Instrumental Performance Concentration
- Music, Music Education (Pre-MAT) Concentration
- Music, Organ Performance Concentration
- Music, Piano Pedagogy Concentration
- Music, Piano Performance Concentration
- Music, Vocal Performance Concentration
- Music minor
- Philosophy
- Philosophy minor
- Physics
- Physics minor
Pre-Professional Programs
- Pre-Law Studies
- Pre-Medical Studies
- Pre-Nursing Studies
- Pre-Physical Therapy Studies
- Psychology
- Psychology minor
- Sociology
- Sociology, Family Studies & Social Work Concentration
- Sociology minor
- Theatre minor
World Languages
- French
- Spanish
- French minor
- Spanish minor