The Blue
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From History at Covenant to Missions in Spain

Sometimes, in the midst of certain seasons, it's hard to imagine how God will use things in our lives. That's what one Covenant grad, Grace '14, thought in her first few years out of college. Grace majored in history at Covenant and upon graduation found herself in jobs that made her wonder, “What am I doing here?”
However, she soon attended a mission's conference and found herself drawn to serve the Lord in ministry overseas. She prayed that God would make it clear for her whether this was something she should pursue or not. Shortly thereafter, the job she had in administration at her church switched from full time to part time, and this change compelled her to step into the unknown.
To Spain Amidst a Pandemic
Grace began making plans to serve with a mission organization in Spain. Those first couple of years were filled with interruptions and complications due to COVID followed by Spain's struggle to recover from the pandemic. It was often hard for her to meet with people, so she focused on learning the language and culture. As Spain opened up more, she had an opportunity to volunteer in a ministry to North African Muslim refugees. And that's where she found her place. Looking back on all the twists and turns in her life over the years, she can see how God has not wasted anything. She says God has taught her to be vulnerable and to trust in His plan for her life.
A Passion Found at Covenant
Grace says that her passion for serving the Muslim community started during classes she took at Covenant about the Middle East. She fondly recalls learning from Professor Steve Corbett in a cross-cultural ministry class, saying it prepared her to work with different cultures. “Covenant prepared me to view other cultures with humility. It taught me the importance of being a learner and listener rather than coming to a culture and telling them I know what they need to do to change.” She describes Corbett's and Professor Brian Fikkert's book, When Helping Hurts, as key in shaping how she thinks about ministry.
Christ's Preeminence in Our Lives
She is currently serving with SIM (Society for International Ministries) and will attend a five-month training in Clarkston, GA, to better learn how to serve this population when she returns to Spain. “I never would have thought I would be here,” Grace states. From being a history major to having various part-time jobs from Ameri-Corps to working at a church, she never imagined she'd be learning Spanish and serving in missions to North African refugees—but God knew and was preparing her all along.
To learn more about how you can pray for and support Grace in her ministry, click here, or contact her directly here.