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the Covenant experience narrative

The Blue Tribune is your place to learn about all things Covenant and keep up with stories from campus and beyond. By guiding you through the different aspects of Covenant, we'll help you decide if you want to pursue your very own Covenant experience.

Recent Blog Posts

Spiritual Formation: Now and for Life

Covenant's impact on M'Cheyne's spiritual formation has empowered him to show Christ to those around him, even in his...

Sharing the Gospel through Music

Since its start up eight years ago, East Lake Expression Engine continues to grow and serve hundreds of kids from elementary...

The Value of a Covenant College Education

When comparing the academic rigor of different colleges, students might find themselves in a never-ending cycle of trying...

Christian Colleges or Campus Ministries: What’s the right choice for you?

Surrounding yourself with a biblically-grounded, Christ-centered community is vital no matter where you are, so is there...

A Study Abroad Experience: Elise Ulrich ’23

Not only was a semester abroad a wonderful academic learning experience for Elise, but it was also a time where her dependence...

Day of Prayer: A Senior’s Look Back

I had never seen or experienced a group of people so infatuated with God’s goodness and faithfulness. There was no mistaking...

Do I have to be PCA?

While Covenant College is proud to be the college of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), you don’t have to be...

Prayer and Praise: A Regular Rhythm for Covenant Students

One unique aspect of Covenant’s residence life is prayer and praise (P&P). Every hall on campus hosts weekly opportunities...


Experience Covenant