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the Covenant experience narrative

The Blue Tribune is your place to learn about all things Covenant and keep up with stories from campus and beyond. By guiding you through the different aspects of Covenant, we'll help you decide if you want to pursue your very own Covenant experience.

What If I Don’t Know What to Major in Yet? Surviving “Undecided” in a Loving Community

two female students talking with female professor

As a senior in high school, I was overwhelmed by the college decision process, let alone choosing a major or a career path! Despite my firm refusal to declare a major when I had no clue what I wanted to do, I was incredibly stressed about entering college without a plan for the
future. Everyone seemed to know what they were doing with their lives except me.

Coming to Covenant Without a Major (or a Plan)

Before I even stepped on campus, everyone wanted to know what I was going to study and what I was going to do after college—friends’ parents, extended family, church members, even the cashier at the grocery store. I always answered with some version of “Your guess is as good as mine.” Each time I answered, I felt more and more as if I was already behind. 

When I got to Covenant, the first weeks felt like an unending stream of icebreakers consisting of listing my name, my major—or lack thereof—and my hometown. In the back of my mind, I heard my parents, my high school guidance counselor, and my admissions counselor reminding me that being undecided wasn’t a bad thing! I had been told time and again that lots of students change their majors and sometimes wish they had started undecided, but that anxious feeling in my gut persisted.

The Power of Professors and Upperclassmen

During my first three semesters, I panicked (and panicked again). Thankfully, upperclassmen were quick to offer uplifting and calming encouragement. From Casen Bailey ’24 suggesting I major in political science to the ladies of Fourth Central (the hall that I live on in Carter Hall) dividing along history or English lines and fighting to convince me to join them, my fellow students made me feel not only that being undeclared was not that big of a deal but also that being undeclared did not mean I was alone. 

Professors also used my undeclared status to connect with me. In the spring of my freshman year, Dr. Follett eased my fears by sharing that even he had changed his major halfway through college and by affirming that I had plenty of time to make a decision. The professors of the English department were quick to insist that I should declare an English major. Dr. Green very kindly laid out why I should be a history major. 

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I gradually felt less and less fear of not knowing and more and more how valued I was by my professors. I belonged somewhere, and when I figured out where, they would be there to help me, even if I didn’t choose their department.

Madeleine Freace '26

The Center for Calling and Career

The Center for Calling and Career played an important role in bringing me to Covenant. Because I lacked a major, I found the idea of an entire office dedicated to helping students find their calling while at Covenant and then getting a job after graduation super appealing. Now, I see the support that they provide every semester. Whether it was Dr. Plating offering to answer any questions I had or Leda Goodman closing the blinds so the entire campus wouldn’t see me cry through our meeting, I always knew the Center for Calling and Career would help me. When I was finally ready to declare a major after three semesters, I went straight there. From major change forms to degree evaluations, they pointed me to all the information I needed to declare a major and keep track of my classes to graduate on time. Mrs. Goodman walked me through the declaring process and showed me the progress that I had already made toward getting my degree. When it comes time to graduate and find a job, I already know where to go.

Despite Anna Dolan ’26 and Dr. Green’s best efforts to recruit me to the history department, I declared an English major with a history minor in November of my sophomore year. I am fully on track to graduate in four years, and although I don’t know what I’m going to do after college, as my faculty advisor Dr. Hess reminded me recently, I have plenty of time to figure it out. The Lord has directed my steps so far, and I don’t expect Him to stop any time soon.

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