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the Covenant experience narrative

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Homecoming: A Joyful Reunion of Scots


Homecoming Weekend is always a time that is eagerly anticipated with joy and excitement by all Covenant Scots. This year, alumni were welcomed back onto campus on Friday, September 20. Our alumni got the chance to sit in on classes, reunite with old classmates, and attend special events such as the faculty lecture, cross-country run around campus and the Singing of the Saints. Covenant students got a chance to meet past students and to hear stories about hall pranks, old professors, and favorite shenanigans to take part in in downtown Chattanooga.

Iron Thistle Presentation

The weekend began with the joyful and teary presentation of the Iron Thistle Award to Bruce Young, class of 1970, in chapel. The Iron Thistle Award is given to alumni who exemplify Covenant’s values in all they do. Young grew up as a missionary kid in Japan and went to Covenant College and Covenant Seminary (where he met his wife Susan). He always wanted to return to Japan to serve the people he grew up with, so after he got married, he returned to Japan. He served in and near Tokyo for 30 years as a pastor before returning to the United States in 2004. Even as he and his family returned from missions, the couple served throughout the United States as mentors in ministry and missions. 

Bruce Young exemplified Covenant’s motto “In All Things Christ Preeminent” in everything he did, from missions abroad to missions right here in the United States. He has continued in his faithfulness to God even in the face of an illness such as ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: a degenerative neurological disorder). His testimony speaks to God’s power and inspires current Covenant students today in their efforts to make Christ preeminent in all that they do.

Jazz on the Overlook

After chapel on Friday, alumni of 1974 had their 50-year reunion while others had the opportunity to go on tower tours, partake in the annual cross-country run, go on a group hike, or get a picture with the unofficial college animal mascot, the highland cow named Fergus. In the evening, Jazz on the Overlook took place with live music and desserts for the students while alumni were invited to relax and chat in the alumni lounge. Students danced the night away with the lights of Chattanooga sparkling in the background.

Singing of the Saints

Saturday morning was the third annual Singing of the Saints, a time when the Covenant Choir and Orchestra (alumni members included) come together in fellowship to sing sweet hymns in praise. The highlight of this time for many alumni was singing the traditional version of our hymn, “All For Jesus,” since we sang the contemporary version in chapel on Friday. 

March to Scotland Yard

Alumni soccer and baseball games took place in the morning before the procession of students and alumni followed Covenant’s bagpipers down to the soccer fields in the afternoon for the homecoming soccer games, art fair, and food trucks. Homecoming weekend ended with a bang as the women’s and men’s soccer teams defeated their opponents and students rushed onto the field to get a great view for the firework show.

Every year, Covenant opens its arms to past students to reminisce and to make new memories. This year was full of joy from fellowship with other Covenant Scots and walking around on campus to long-held traditions such as Jazz on the Overlook and somewhat newer traditions like the Singing of the Saints. Covenant Alumni, we loved having you and can’t wait for next year to see you again!

This article was originally published in The Bagpipe, Covenant’s student newspaper.

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