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Covenant News: Faculty and Alumni Book Awards

Join us in celebrating some of our Covenant faculty and alumni who have recently been recognized for their published works released this year. We’re proud of the work that they put into these efforts and the ways they’re contributing to the greater community.
Christiantity Today’s 2023 Book Awards
Congratulations to Dr. Kelly Kapic for recognition in the Theology (Popular) category for You're Only Human.
Reviewing You’re Only Human, Emily G. Wenneborg writes, “From the nature of the Incarnation and the proper understanding of Mary to our union with Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit, Kapic covers enormous theological ground with detail and nuance, all while keeping the discussion alive and intimately connected to our own lives.”
Further congratulations to alum Hannah Nation '07, who was the co-editor of the Award of Merit winner (runner-up) in the Missions & Global Church category for Faith in the Wilderness: Words of Exhortation from the Chinese Church.
The personal reflections gathered here will humble readers and, hopefully, expand their understanding of the global church. There is much to learn from the Chinese church, and Faith in the Wilderness offers a good place to start.” - Jamie Sanchez, associate professor of intercultural studies at Biola University
The Gospel Coalition’s 2022 Book Awards
In more related news, professor emeritus Dr. Ken Stewart and Dr. Don Fortson '78 contributed to the book Reformed and Evangelical Across Four Centuries, which was given the Award of Distinction in the History & Biography category.
An excerpt from the awards article states, “If you want to think more carefully about the necessity of theological literacy in the church, the legacy of Christian higher education, and the constant need for reform and renewal within the church, you’d do well to spend time with this book.”
Congratulations again to Dr. Kapic, Hannah Nation '07, Dr. Stewart, and Dr. Fortson '78 on recognition of their hard work!