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Faculty Feature: Professor Lok Kim

Faculty Feature is a series in the Blue Tribune that recognizes the excellent professors and staff of Covenant College through a series of questions.
This week we're highlighting Professor Lok Kim, Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Chamber Orchestra.
What brought you to Covenant? How long have you been teaching?
God led me to Covenant College, and I have been teaching for eleven years.
What is your history with Covenant?
When I was in graduate school, I was told about a college on top of a mountain. So one day I visited Covenant to explore, and was so amazed by the landscape and its beauty. While walking on campus, I dreamt about teaching there one day.
After I finished graduate school, I was informed by my mentor that Covenant was searching for a Director of Orchestra. Although there was no guarantee that I would be accepted for the position, I thought I might as well try and apply.
Well, guess what? I've been working at Covenant since 2009, the place I dreamt about. Dreams come true!
What do you love about teaching at Covenant?
Beloved students and excellent colleagues who give me great inspiration.
What's your favorite Covenant tradition?
Singing and humming "amazing grace" together on both Convocation and Commencement Day.
What is a current research project or area of interest you're excited about?
In 2022 the music department will perform the opera, "Magic Flute," by Mozart. It will be the very first opera in Covenant history. I am so thrilled to conduct the opera because I started my conducting career as an opera conductor.
What's one of your favorite cultural or family traditions?
As a Korean-American, I enjoy keeping traditions that I learned while growing up in Korea. For example, my family and I do not wear shoes at home. :)
Tell us a little about your family:
I am sharing my life with my wife, Amy, and my son, Nathan.
How do you/your department encourage each student to pursue academic excellence?
I often tell my students that music is not a thing of competition. Rather, music is a thing to share.