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Faculty Feature: Dr. Carole Yue

Faculty Feature is a series in the Blue Tribune that recognizes the excellent professors and staff of Covenant College through a series of questions.
This week we're highlighting Dr. Carole Yue, Associate Professor and Chair of the Psychology Department.
What brought you to Covenant? How long have you been teaching?
I've been teaching at Covenant for seven years.
What do you love about teaching at Covenant?
I love getting to know such bright, hardworking, and compassionate students! It's a joy to see them grow intellectually and spiritually over their time here and to learn alongside them. I also love getting to learn from my excellent colleagues about their disciplines and about teaching.
What's your favorite Covenant tradition?
Humming "Amazing Grace" at the end of Convocation. The first time it happened I was very confused, but now I find great peace and joy in that tradition.
What is a current research project or area of interest you're excited about?
My research area is applying cognitive psychology to education--basically, how do people learn, make judgments about their learning, and how do we help people learn well? I enjoy working with our advanced students to help pursue research projects in that area.
Anything else prospective students should know about you?
I love learning! And Star Trek.
Tell us a little about your family:
My husband and I have a two-year-old daughter, a baby boy on the way, and a very sweet little dog.
How does your department encourage each student to pursue academic excellence?
The field of psychology is as beautifully broad and diverse as people are! We encourage our students to take classes and take part in research and internships to explore their gifts and interests in the joint context of their Christian faith and the field of psychology. I've really enjoyed seeing the many directions students have taken, and I'm very proud of them!