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Faculty Feature: Dr. Amy Bagby

Faculty Feature is a series in the Blue Tribune that recognizes the excellent professors and staff of Covenant College through a series of questions.
This week we're highlighting Dr. Amy Bagby, Associate Professor of Education.
What brought you to Covenant? How long have you been teaching?
I grew up at New City Fellowship where Rudy & Collyn Schmidt (founders of the college) spoke Covenant into my life from a young age. It was no surprise then when I decided to attend for my undergraduate degree. Upon graduating with a degree in Early Childhood Education, I taught in the local public schools while also pursuing graduate school. I returned to the college in 2005.
What is your history with the PCA or Reformed Tradition?
I grew up in a PCA church (New City Fellowship) and had the honor of sitting under the preaching of Randy Nabors for more than three decades. The influence of this tradition is difficult to put into words. My life is deeply impacted by Covenant theology and hearing the gospel preached so regularly.
What's your favorite Covenant tradition?
I love both convocation and commencement, really just any opportunity to hear the bagpipes!
What is a current research project or area of interest you're excited about?
Recently I co-authored an article with Dr. Jim Drexler "Defining and Assessing Spiritual Formation: A Necessity for Christian Schooling" which was published in the International Christian Community of Teacher Educators Journal. We are currently working on a follow up research project in which we surveyed and interviewed school leaders regarding the assessment of spiritual formation in their K-12 schools. We hope to have this project ready for publication in the spring. In addition, I am working on a project involving schools which employ innovative means of caring for their students. It is my hope to visit several schools to better understand the methods with which they provide for non-academic needs of their students.
Tell us a little about your family:
Not only am I a Covenant Scot, my parents (Alvin and Margret Huffine) and children are as well. My daughter, Hannah, is a current Junior double majoring in Biology and Chemistry. My son, Christopher, is a Freshman in the Pre-Engineering program. Additionally, I have a niece (Katie Davick) and a nephew (Andrew Davick) at Covenant.
How do you/your department encourage each student to pursue academic excellence?
The education programs at Covenant are excellent. As a matter of fact, we have earned a Level 4 rating (the highest) from the Georgia Professional Standard's Commission each year since the Program Preparation Effectiveness Measure (PPEM) has been calculated. The rigor of our programs is a challenge for students, however, faculty provide support every step of the way. Students begin with EDU 121 Introduction to Education which is accompanied by a field experience where students are placed in a classroom. This early exposure to schools helps individuals determine if education is a viable career option. As they progress through the program they complete additional field experiences. This exposure to the classroom coupled with the course work provides a wonderful foundation.