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Exploring Limitations: Kelly Kapic interviewed by "The Whole Person Revolution"

Widely published author and distinguished Christian scholar Kelly Kapic has been a professor of theological studies at Covenant College since 2001. Recently, Dr. Kapic was featured in a podcast episode from Anne Snyder’s The Whole Person Revolution, where he answered interview questions relating to topics covered in his latest book, You’re Only Human: How Your Limits Reflect God’s Design and Why That’s Good News.
Limitations Create Goodness
Although we often view our limitations negatively, this episode centers on their created goodness. Our limits are intended to foster love, relationship, and dependence on our Creator, and attributing them completely to the Fall warps our understanding of what it means to be human. Related to this is our concept of time and how, as humans, we find it “incredibly difficult to be present.” As Dr.Kapic explained, “struggling to be present with God” impacts our ability to “be present with others,” and we ultimately become dehumanized when we forget that God Himself is reality.
An Education for the Whole Person
In the interview, Dr. Kapic specifically mentioned how Covenant College’s educational philosophy respects students’ humanity. Instead of seeing education solely as a means of increasing future economic profit, the institution values students’ varied interests by considering differing subject areas to be interconnected parts of life. This approach is the college’s attempt “to treat the whole person…against all of these pressures that try and reduce us to just one thing.” Overall, Dr. Kapic’s insights in this interview not only provide a window into how we as Christians should view our human limitations, but also highlight the value of Covenant’s educational philosophy as it is put into practice.
To hear the full conversation between Dr. Kapic and Anne Snyder, listen to the featured podcast episode here.