Scott Jones
Professor of Biblical Studies
Biblical & Theological Studies
The members of the Biblical and Theological Studies department are expert theologians and biblical scholars who are dedicated to excellent classroom instruction and to knowing their students and being known by them.
- Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary
- M.Div., Reformed Theological Seminary - Orlando
- B.A., University of Mississippi
Interests / Specialization
- Book of Job
- Ancient Near Eastern wisdom literature
- Book of Psalms
- Biblical Hebrew
Selected Professional Work
- Jones, S. C. “Job” (introductory essay) in The SBL Study Bible. Eds. Steven L. McKenzie, Kristin De Troyer, and F. Scott Spencer. New York: HarperOne, 2023, 732-737.
- Jones, S. C., “A Proverb in a Collection is Dead?” The Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation & Culture. Online: https://washingtoninst.org/a-proverb-in-a-collection-is-dead/ . First published June 16, 2022.
- Jones, S. C., “Job,” in The Oxford Handbook of Wisdom and the Bible. Edited by Will Kynes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. 533-550.
- Jones, S. C., “Who Can Narrate El’s Wonders? The Reception of Psalm 19 in Ben Sira and the Qumran Hodayot,” in Fromme und Frevler. Studien zu Psalmen und Weisheit. Festschrift für Hermann Spieckermann zum 70. Geburtstag. Edited by C. Körting and R. G. Kratz. FAT I. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020. 31-40.
- Jones, S. C., “Psalm 37 and the Devotionalization of Instruction in the Post-Exilic
Period,” in Prayers and the Construction of Israelite Identity. Edited by Susanne
Gillmayr-Bucher and Maria Häusl. AIL 35. Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature,
2019. 167-188.
Get to know your professor
Q. If you could compete in an olympic sport, what would it be and why?
A. Ski jumping - it would be fun while it lasted
Q. Favorite food?
A. Hamburgers
Q. What is one thing that instantly makes your day better?
A. My dog, Flo
Q. Personal Interests/Hobbies
A. Building electric guitars and guitar amplifiers